mange product加入brand筛选项
2013年4月8日星期一 Asia/Shanghai下午5:00:06
2013年4月8日星期一 Asia/Shanghai下午4:58:07
How Do I Set Up Table Rate Shipping?
2013年3月27日星期三 Asia/Shanghai下午5:55:53
Able Rates can be set up in 3 different ways; Weight and Destination, Price and Destination and the Number of Items and Destination. To set up Table Rates go to System -> Configuration and Select Shipping Methods from the Left Navigation. You will be able to set up your default values for the Table Rates here, but the rates themselves are entered on the Website level.
Let’s first set up our default configuration for the Table Rates.
Read MorePinnacle Cart 网站移到新服务器上的操作
2013年3月27日星期三 Asia/Shanghai下午5:21:54
'm going to be moving my site to a new server, what do I need to do?
Before moving any site, we recommend creating a back-up of all files.
Steps for site move
- Copy all files from old server to new server.
- Copy database from old server to new server.
- Since the new server will have new database settings, edit content/engine/engine_config.php and add new database settings.
- Next open up PHPmyadmin ( or whatever you are using to access the database ) and browse 'settings' table, Next run the following query.
SELECT*FROM`settings`WHERE`name`LIKE ' %Global%'
From this query you will get 4 - 5 records. You will need to modify the following records in the database to reflect the new server settings.
'GlobalHttpUrl' - URL where the cart is installed ( example: )
'GlobalHttpsUrl' - URL to access the SSL ( example: )
'GlobalServerPath' - True server path on the server ( example: /home/www/site_folder/public_html )
Next, delete all files and subfolders for content/compiled folder on new server.
- Access the index.php file to verify the site is working.
Source From:
Read More滑动门效果-css+jQuery
2013年3月25日星期一 Asia/Shanghai上午9:43:39
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=gb2312" />
<style type="text/css">
margin:0 auto;