magento发送邮件是基于服务器 sendmail服务(不作评价) 我们常常面对无法发送邮件的问题 在查出原因之前 不妨试试以下方法 这里提供的是php方法 不习惯也可以使用php-java-bridge使用java操作 因为不同的邮局结果也会不一样 建议开启调试 无误后再关闭
private $lastmessage; //记录最后返回的响应信息 private $lastact; //最后的动作,字符串形式 private $welcome; //用在HELO后面,欢迎用户 private $debug; //是否显示调试信息 private $smtp; //smtp服务器 需要与发送邮箱对应 private $port; //smtp端口号 private $fp; //socket句柄 private function init_mail($smtp, $welcome = "", $debug = false) { if (empty($smtp)) die("SMTP cannt be NULL!"); $this->smtp = $smtp; if (empty($welcome)) { $this->welcome = gethostbyaddr("localhost"); } else $this->welcome = $welcome; $this->debug = $debug; $this->lastmessage = ""; $this->lastact = ""; $this->port = "25"; } private function show_debug($body, $inout) { if ($this->debug) { if ($inout === "in") { $m = '<< '; } else $m = '>> '; if (!ereg("\n$", $body)) $body .= "<br />"; $body = nl2br($body); echo "<span style="color: #999999;">$m$body</span>"; } } private function do_command($command) { $this->lastact = $command; $this->show_debug($this->lastact, "out"); fputs($this->fp, $this->lastact); $this->lastmessage = fgets($this->fp, 512); $this->show_debug($this->lastmessage, "in"); if (!ereg("^[23]", $this->lastmessage)) { return false; } else return true; } private function sendMail($body, $email) { $this->lastact = "connect"; $this->show_debug("Connect to SMTP server : " . $this->smtp, "out"); $this->fp = fsockopen($this->smtp, $this->port); if ($this->fp) { set_socket_blocking($this->fp, true); $this->lastmessage = fgets($this->fp, 512); $this->show_debug($this->lastmessage, "in"); if (!ereg("^220", $this->lastmessage)) { return false; } else { $this->lastact = "HELO " . $this->welcome . "\n"; if (!$this->do_command($this->lastact)) { fclose($this->fp); return false; } $this->lastact = "AUTH LOGIN\n"; if (!$this->do_command($this->lastact)) { fclose($this->fp); return false; } $this->lastact = base64_encode("/*发送邮件的邮箱*/")."\n"; if (!$this->do_command($this->lastact)) { fclose($this->fp); return false; }$this->lastact = base64_encode("/*邮箱密码*/")."\n"; if (!$this->do_command($this->lastact)) { fclose($this->fp); return false; } $this->lastact = "MAIL FROM:</*发送邮箱*/>\n"; if (!$this->do_command($this->lastact)) { fclose($this->fp); return false; } $this->lastact = "RCPT TO:</*目标邮箱*/>\n"; if (!$this->do_command($this->lastact)) { fclose($this->fp); return false; } $this->lastact = "DATA\n"; if (!$this->do_command($this->lastact)) { fclose($this->fp); return false; } $head = "Subject: /*主题*/\n\n"; if (!ereg($head, $body)) { $body = $head . $body; } $head = "From: /*邮件中显示的邮箱 如果不是上面的邮箱 会提示代发*/\n"; if (!ereg($head, $body)) { $body = $head . $body; } $head = "To: /*目的邮箱 如果不是上面的邮箱 即为密送*/\n"; if (!ereg($head, $body)) { $body = $head . $body; } if (!ereg("\n\.\n", $body)) $body .= "\n.\n"; $this->show_debug($body, "out"); fputs($this->fp, $body); $this->lastact = "QUIT\n"; if (!$this->do_command($this->lastact)) { fclose($this->fp); return false; } } return true; } else { $this->show_debug("Connect failed!", "in"); return false; } }